
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st day of School

 Told you guys I would have an outfit post. I picked this out the night before so I had everything ready for my son's big day...

The inspiration was from J Crew:

Cardigan, Shorts - Forever 21
Blouse - H&M
Flats - BCBG
Necklace - Gift from my friend

Such a big day today in our little family's life. My son has started kindergarten! This is a big deal for him but I think a bigger deal for us as it is a milestone where he officially starts his academic part of his life and also signifies how much he has grown. We have been talking about school all summer long and have visited the school playground on a few occasions so he was familiar with all that.
But he got to see his classroom for the first time and met his teacher. There were definitely a number of occasions where I felt my like breaking down and my voice would slightly get shaky and I was so grateful for the large sunglasses that hid my watery eyes but I pulled it together and never showed him how emotional this was for me. I just know he is going to be great if he stays positive.
I went super early again in the afternoon (parking is just horrible at our school) and he was so relieved to see me. And he spent so much time telling us all the things he did at school and who he met etc...

His new lunch bag has not arrived yet so we used his old Scooby one for today...

 This is in front and inside his class room. Our school has 4 kindergarten classes approx 22 students in each. We got to go inside and get them pick a station of their choice and hung out for 15 minutes before saying good-bye...

Here are a few shots of the rest of the school outside the kindergarten compound....

End of the day they came out of their class to meet us...


  1. Super cute outfit! Looks like mom was ready for day one of school.

    So how is mom handling all of that?

  2. It looks like your son had a great day at school! I cried for both my girls first day of kindergarten too (although I waited til I got back the car), lol :) Heather

  3. Aww, I remember how emotional I was on both of my kid's first days. Great first day look, I love the print mixing and the necklace. Thanks for visiting my little blog!

  4. What an important transition, not only for him but for you, too. For probably the first time, he's out of your direct, constant control and living independently, at least for several hours a day. And, for him, being in the company of a large group of kids will develop his social skills.

    Natually, you'll feel emotional about the change but, with time, you'll adjust and find new use for your time and energy.

  5. wow!! look totally the interpretation...and how cool does the kiddo look :)

    love his crocs!!

  6. Cute outfit! And, that little guy is just adorable. Awesome eyes! He looked ready to go.

  7. Love that look!

    Such an exciting time! :)

  8. Daphne you look marvellous! I love the inspiration, those lace shorts are beautiful! The grey/pink colour combination is very flattering. -xx Enjoy your week with the kiddies! xx

  9. İ just adored this outfit! You look amazing. My little baby boy already grew enough to go to school it is unbelievable and he is sooo cute and happy. A big step for him and a big step for you and for us too!!! Wish him many successful years.

  10. Love the lace shorts! And those shoes are fabulous!


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