
Monday, October 8, 2012

Apple Festival

 This was my outfit on Sunday... Mixing up floral prints in different colors was inspired by this ad:

 This top is so comfy. It has a cotton back and sleeve hems and the front is silky...
 Long black feather earrings blend in the hair in the just the right way...

Top - TJ Maxx
Shorts - Forever 21
Shoes - TJ Maxx
Earrings - Thread Show
Bangles - Forever 21

Had a fun weekend. Saturday was spent driving 1.5 hours each way inland to a town called Julian to pick apples with a group of friends. The kids love this activity and eat so many apples along the way.
Sunday we had Turkish school followed by swimming with grandparents and dinner at home.
The diet is going great. Buying all organic is quite expansive but sure tastes sooo much better. Both my hubby felt pretty good about surviving the apple pie activity of Saturday without cheating at all!

I am also going to start doing a weekly feature on Monday linking to Monday Mingle featuring one lovely lady each week styled in wonderful and comfortable Kika Paprika clothes. Look for that post before end of day today!

Girls dancing away at the festival near the orchard....


  1. Love the top. Mixing it with floral shorts took more skill than I'm capable of.

    Is buying organic "expansive" or expensive? :)

  2. i went to an apple festival, in an orchard, but you weren't allowed to pick apples!! that's the whole dang point! i totally picked an apple on the d-l.

  3. I loved your outfit that day and the earrings are fab! You are all so cute my apple picking clan:)


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