
Saturday, November 24, 2012

An ace up your sleeve

 Today's outfit was inspired by Madewell ad....
I honestly thought this would come out better than it did. Oh well, not every combo is a winner...

Hat - Asos
Jacket - Thrifted
Top - Anthropologie (worn backwards)
Jeans - Rock Revival
Shoes, necklace - Forever 21
Bracelets - J Crew
Sunglasses - Karen Walker

Had a quiet day grocery shopping and hosting new friends for a BBQ. It is refreshing to meet new people and make new friends. Our kids (their youngest son and mine are class mates) got along great. Although my daughter felt a little left out being the youngest and the only girl but she adjusted.

If you missed it check out my Black Friday sale post from yesterday by clicking HERE!


  1. This is so adorable! I think it turned out really well! :)


  2. Not every experiment succeeds but I think this one did better than you believe. We often underestimate our fashion victories. Either way, keep trying!

    And I know how your daughter felt. I'm often the only "young girl" in a social gathering.

  3. You look great in hats, I just adore the animal print with your boots! It looks like you had fun at least with this inspiration so great outfit! xx

  4. great find on the jacket! i would love to add a leopard blazer to my collection!



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