
Friday, November 9, 2012

Home Front

 Still playing catch-up. So this was my outfit on WEDNESDAY.  Wore it to the pre-school class...

Inspiration from Jan 2012 issue of In Style Magazine: 

This page had another outfit with the same shirt which I wore on THURSDAY but did not do photos. So behind that I got lazy...

I wish these shorts were a bit more looser and longer but with a tunic top and calf high boots they were OK....

Top and Shorts - Forever 21
Leather Vest - BB Dakota (vintage from Mom)
Boots - Steve Madden
Bracelets - Tilly's and Etsy

It was my husband's actual b-day, so the kids and I went shopping for a special dinner for Daddy.
Bought stuff to make home made pizza's and a chocolate cake.
I had a box of pizza dough but bought some ready dough as well as a back-up. Kids had so much fun putting their own toppings and decorating the cake and licking half the frosting in the process....
It was a mini family party. THey kept asking how and why no one else was coming. They are so used to our large family gatherings. Which will happen on Saturday night. :)


  1. I just discover your blog on Chictopia and I really love it! love your vest and shorts!
    Following you on GFC!

    Kisses, Lucy:)

  2. You're certainly rockin' those shorts!

    Hubby's turning 40? That's a soul-searching birthday for most people. We reflect on whether our lives are where we want them to be. I'm sure he'd answer "Yes!" Your family seems so happy.

  3. I love the stripes on you and it's so cool how you're a cool fashion blogger and show us your mommy side too!

  4. Shorts are beautiful on you ! I loooove your studded boots !


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