
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Check Please

 Today's mixed pattern combo was inspired by October 2013 catalog of J Crew:

I tried on a few different jackets and this seemed to go the best...

 I bought this dress when I was pregnant with my son as it is stretchy and served as a great maternity dress. It was too mod and cool to get rid of so it has been waiting another opportunity in the extra closets. Today was its day! :)

Jacket - Forever 21 (but I got it from a second hand store)
Dress - Forever 21
Booties - Shoedazzle
Earrings - from Turkey (gift from my cousin)
Necklace - Charming Charlie's

Had no real plans today and got to sleep in and took it easy in the morning but managed to shower and get ready and leave by 11:30 or so. Went to the mall with no real purpose. We looked at a few stores for me and the kids and hit the play area and I have to say we were all very successful in not buying ANYTHING at all! I have been an online shopper for so long I swear I loose sight of real life shopping. It just seems so blah and the need to decide is too overwhelming. The only thing nice is you can try on and be certain of the size. I never find the stuff I find online in the store for some reason.
When we got home we relaxed and started the big 800+ piece lego set my son got from Santa. I let him follow the instructions and assemble but I help by finding the pieces and also double checking his steps as he tends to go too fast and one square mistake can cause a major issue in step 55 in these things.
My dad insisted that I write we had pop corn and watched netflix'd show (House of Cards) on TV together. He usually goes direct to bed after dinner but tonight he hung out and we had a roaring fire going so it was very nice.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a fun night. i love everything about this outfit! the boots are amazing. the dress, the collar, the jacket! so cute. i always see cute 2nd hand jackets and they always seem to be F21!


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