
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Can you dig it?

Monday's outfit was inspired by a lookbook photo in Shoedazzle's website….

A flowy taupe tank with army green pants and brown booties and leather jacket… My tank and necklace added some funky pop of neon to this too….

 Already had water marks all over my outfit by the time

Jacket - Forever 21
Tank - some small beach boutique
Pants - Bebe
Booties - Betsey Johnson
Necklace - Miss Selfridge

It was President's day so even though my husband had to work, the kids were off school. I had promised to take them to the Lego Movie so that is what we did. I have to say I truly enjoyed the movie. Everything was authentic lego pieces and I love legos so it was amazing to watch and the 3D effects were very cool.  The kids loved it as well. Pretty long movie too.
Afterwards we bought lunch and went to my Dad's house so I can help my cousin with the closet clean-up. Of course the kids caused more of a mess in the backyard at the same time so not sure how much help I was…
After we rushed home to change and go swimming only to find out it had been moved to morning and we had missed it. That sucked. So we came back home and cooked dinner. My friend came over to catch-up on our shows that we had missed over the last month….


  1. love that jacket on you!


  2. Love how that top goes with your necklace! Fun scalloped edges!

  3. nice to see you again girl! I can dig it..LOVE that moto jacket.

  4. love your necklace...i've been slightly obsessed with necklaces like these. probably bought 6-8 in the last few weeks!

    we originally went to see the lego movie, but it was full so we saw nut job. were there any guns and shooting in the movie? i know it's only toys/cartoons, but my son has been crazy about guns and with all the real life shootings going on, i'm just trying to filter what he sees and phase it out. although, i thought nut job would be better, it had police and guns, too!

  5. very pretty combo with perfectly matching necklace and top as everybody loved it. I am liking your new longer hairdo:)


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