
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sun is still shining when I close my eyes

 Yesterday's inspiration was from a website I get daily fashion reports from 
called 'The Zoe Report' by Rachel Zoe. 

This cozy combo with a maxi skirt and a scarf was simple and very adoptable. 
I did mull over which scarf to use for a while and decided on this bright green one for pop color….
 I was cold in the morning and had boots on but then my cousin and I met up to get our nails done so these green beaded flip flops worked even better afterwards...

Skirt - Thread Sence
Top, Flip flops - Target
Scarf - Forever 21
Purse - Thread Show

Our pre-school teacher is going under a treatment so we had no class. We made the most of it by meeting up with my cousin to get our nails done while trying to preoccupy my daughter with an ipad movie.
Then we had lunch in the beautiful sun filled porch of a fish restaurant nearby.
After we split up I stopped at a store to shop for my son's secret valentine gift for his friend. At the same time ran into bunch of great gift ideas and stocked up on some birthday gifts for the upcoming months. I  keep a gift closet in our guest room and buy gifts as I see them so when there is a birthday party I don't rush to find a gift. For select people I shop in advance so the gifts are always special and well planned and bought on sale.

Then we rushed to school to pick up my son from chess class and rushed back home to meet the tile guy that fixed the tiles we had him take out to repair our dish washer. What a project that has been but finally it is done.
Then it was off to swim practice and back at home for a make-shift dinner since I couldn't use part of the kitchen earlier in the day. I was exhausted by the time kids were in bed and my husband came home with take-out for us. Watched a little olympics (mainly snow boarding half pipe) and went to bed!

Oh and I almost forgot, in between we started assembling these fairy lights my daughter had wanted so much and got as a birthday present from my friend. They were a lot more work than I anticipated with 7 beads that have to be threaded on a strand, 5 strands per light and 3 lights so it is VERY time consuming but they came out so cute…

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