
Monday, March 17, 2014

If I had a world of my own everything would be nonsense

I didn't post yesterday's outfit yet but decided to skip it for a day to be current and post today's outfit instead...
 Well it is St. Patrick's day so I had to wear green of course and the inspiration was from Forever 21:

Mine is the non cropped version of the outfit...

 My friend was commenting on Saturday why I don't do some of those poses we see in magazines of models just kind of lounging or doing daily tasks. So here is my first attempt which is laying on the couch. Had to put the tripod on the coffee table and aim down. Was a little concerned it would fall on me!

I do like how this photo came out.. :)
Sweater, Gingham Blouse - Ralph Lauren
Pants - Kika Paprika
Necklace - J Crew
Oxfords - Shoedazzle

My son and daughter woke up so excited to see if the leprechauns have been into the house and fell for the trap we made. They had left some chocolate coins but no luck catching them.

Then we took my daughter's trap we made couple weeks ago to her school. Naturally it was one of the most embellished traps among the bunch… But they were all so adorable…


The class carried them all outside and laid them to see if we catch any leprechauns by the end of the class. 

They did all sorts of crafts in class and it was a great time…

Then end of class they went back out to check out for leprechauns in their traps….

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