
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shake my soul

Today's combo was inspired by Dec 2013 catalog of J Crew:

I liked the shiny leather like leggings that add interest and I had to add a bit more edge with the spiked necklace...

Did a straight hairstyle today just for change...

Sweater - Tildon
Blouse - Zara
Leggings - Macy's
Necklace - Forever 21
Bracelets - some website I can't remember now
Shoes -

Morning was fun. Our outdoor class had a free class scheduled with a Karate School. We had done it couple years ago and the kids had loved it and we had signed up for their promotional class afterwards so my daughter was looking forward to it. This time though they made us part of the class so my legging outfit and easy to slip off shoes with no socks came in really handy.
I didn't sign up for a class but I did purchase their promotional birthday package which was a steal for my son's 7th birthday this summer. Now just need to sell him on the idea…

After class we skipped the playground portion and went to the craft store to purchase stuff for the leprechaun trap house we are going to build.  My daughter has been waiting for this since last year. I even saved a small box that will be perfect for the project. We also hit big lots and I purchased a few containers so I can clean out our garage which has gotten out of hand.

Then went to the indoor play area so I can get caught up on emails, looking for flights and job search. And best part my daughter just plays and plays and never complains for any electronics or messes up the house or gets into trouble with scissors or glitter glue. :)

After we picked up my son and came home we started painting the leprechaun trap box in metallic gold. Decorating will be tomorrow. Had my son do his homework and had the kids play while cooking dinner.

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