
Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby one more time

Today's combo was inspired by a look at the Threadsence site:

I love how this came together. This super light denim works great with the brighter tones of the plaid shirt. Totally cool graphic tee and of course the statement flats make the outfit… I added the eagle necklace...

Shirt, Shoes - Zara
Tee - H&M
Light Denim - Victoria's Secret
Necklace - Forever 21
Belt - Ralph Lauren

We had snack duty again today. I feel like we just did snack a few weeks ago. Took tortilla chips and salsa and sugar snap peas and baby carrots. Put the salsa in little cups so each kid had their own. It was quite a hit.
And of course my daughter loves being teacher's helper all day long…

 After school we hit a couple stores just looking for last minute needs for our upcoming vacations. 
Picked up my son and came home. While he played ball outside we finished her lego 'friends' house finally...

Then my stepdad came to take my son to his baseball practice.  And I go to do a 1.5 hour yoga tape. The stretching portion of it felt so good to my sore body. I wasn't on the juice cleanse today but still did pretty good eating less and healthy while drinking liters of water.
My husband came right as the long yoga workout was finishing and agreed to go out to dinner since I hadn't cooked. My parents joined us and it was a nice night. But the kids were super tired at the end and it was a pain showering and getting them to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice outfit and the shoes and sunglasses are such a nice touch. I also like how you are wearing the graphic tee with the white jeans. Your daughter looks so much like you!

    blue hue wonderland


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