
Monday, April 28, 2014

Born to Influence

 Inspiration from It Blog Girls blog:

Blazer, Top - Forever 21
Pants, Sling back Heels - Boden U.S.A.
Purse - Charming Charlie's
Necklace - H&M

Well I put on this outfit and got out of the house by 7:30 AM! Hence very tired face in the photos.
We met my parents and my sister and her husband and my step dad's very young aunt and uncle who are visiting for breakfast. After days of eating small plates I was totally content with ordering two sunny side up eggs and took a slice of my mom's huge german pancake.

Then we came home so I can finish cleaning up the house and laundry and trying to teach the kids their lines before the Turkish Children's Day festival.
Changed their clothes and left to meet up for the rehearsals for the festival.
The kids played for a while as I helped set-up decorations then they had their rehearsal and the family joined us as the festivities started. The kids were so cute speaking in accented Turkish singing songs and giving mini presentations on the history of how we became a sovereign country….
My son had to leave early with my husband so he can make it to his best bud's bday party while I stayed behind. Shortly after my parents left too and took my daughter with them and I stayed until the end then came home to greet them.
Then left for a sushi dinner with my best friend.
Busy day… Tomorrow I will start another 3 day cleanse plan this one is all liquid with six juices a day. Should be interesting!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the outfit. i like the freshness the white blazer brings to the bolder primary colors.


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