
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I didn't know I was lost

 Today's combo was inspired by 'Fashion Diva Design' blog: 

Simple and somewhat old school combo. I didn't have a dress so I paired a black (sheer and should have worn black undergarments I realized with the flash) top and a skirt….

This very eye catching wooden necklace was a 'Thread Show' purchase from years ago...

Top, Skirt, Belt - Forever 21
Boots - Shoedazzle
Necklace - Thread Show
Purse - DKNY
Bracelets - Cookie Lee

I was desperately trying to finish up the paperwork and paying bills and following up on phone calls with appointments when I realized it was too late to go to school. So we ran errands and had lunch then picked up my son and came home to meet my friend to have a long playdate and catch-up.
The whole gang went to my son's swim practice to watch him.
My daughter created an 'Easter Wonderland' in our living room which consisted of laying out every single pillow and pages of her drawings all over the living room to create a path. Then she hid who knows how old left over candy she found in plastic eggs and scattered them. She is so creative and I try so hard to not give in to my anal self that was just dying to clean it all up.
Had a nice dinner and forced a movie onto the older boys just to get them to sit down. My son who never sat down, swam over 500 yards then came home and played football with his friend and my step dad. I don't know how he doesn't collapse. He did eat the same dinner portion as the dad's though! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you accessorize like nobody else. Love the necklace and belt.


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