
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pop Art

 Today's bright combo was from Feb 2014 catalog of J Crew:

Sunglasses, Tee - Forever 21
Skirt - Peter Pilotto for Target
Jean Jacket - H&M
Sandals - Dolce Vita

It was class photo day at my daughter's preschool so we were both dressed in bright spring colors.
The photos do not do justice to my daughter though. The color is just so amazing on her in real life.

Left the class early so I can drop off my daughter at my mom's house and rush to my nail appointment.
It was a total bliss getting my nails done with no kids. I love getting all pampered and beautified before the big trip. Tomorrow is the fake tan!
I came home to do some house work than picked up my son from his after school playdate.
My mom came so we could take both kids to swim class. I keep forgetting to take my camera but I really need to photograph my little girl in her swimmer's cap and goggles and speedo swim suit. She is just so beyond excited about taking swim classes again.
Then my mom insisted on taking her a day early. It will be nice having the free time but I will miss her. It is always bittersweet when they are gone.

Here are my new french tips and rainbow toes:


  1. Nice nails. And your daughter can pose like a pro.

  2. Ahh gorgeous skirt, necklace & sandals. I am loving all the beautiful neons on your outfit, starting with the cute nails. Your daughter is beautiful too and such a pretty little lady in Hot Pink. You both look great. =)

    Stop by to see my latest. <3 Ada.

  3. stunning look! i love bright colours and this outfit is a treat to my eye! very well done!


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