
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Academy

We are in Cambridge! Yeay! After the 4 hours of sleep we came to the B&B to check in and just did a quick shower and put on this outfit…

Inspiration from Polyvore:

Coat - H&M
Top, beret, scarf - Forever 21
Skirt - Rock Republic from Kohl's
Boots - Steve Madden

Our first day of the trip! Even though we were surviving on 4 hours of sleep the kids were ecstatic to have arrived and to see their little cousin. My SIL picked us up and brought us to the B&B so we can check and shower and change very quickly. We hit the streets of Cambridge towards Harvard.
Of course quickly realized my kids are soooo not used to 'downtown' city environment. They had to be told numerous times to stay close to not run ahead to keep cutting off people who are rushing from one place to the next and to keep their voices low. At Harvard square it was great cause there was hardly anyone around apparently it starts getting livelier later in the day.

We met up with my brother who had exactly two hours to dedicate between his crazy classes. He gave us a professional grade tour providing the full historic detail behind each building and all interesting harvard legends and myths.
They then took us to a great burger lounge for lunch and we said good bye to him before a yummy ice cream dessert treat. After that the kids and I were beat and lack of sleep started hitting us so we got the car and headed to their house to spend a quiet afternoon there. The kids had so much fun playing with their little cousin and they dropped us off for the night and amazingly got them to bed in the current time zone!

And then later at their cousin's house having a blast….


  1. jealous of your vacation!! look forward to seeing the pictures!!

    (for a while, every time i'd visit your blog, within a few seconds it would redirect to some random page. so i'd quickly shut it down in case it was a virus...has anyone else ever mentioned? seems ok today)

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