
Saturday, May 17, 2014

All good things must come to an end

Final outfit post from the Hawaii vacation was inspired by Anthropologie Magazine:

 I didn't really have any sandals that matched the outfit so I borrowed these great sandals from my friend. Isn't great to be the same size? 

Tank, Skirt - Forever 21
Necklaces - Cookie Lee
Sandals - Vince Camuto

Our Last days were Hawaii were a dream…. Time flies by fast when you have the best vacation…
 Took this tour when the kids were at 'Aunty's House' it was so serene...

 Using the template to discover mysteries around the resort. The kids loved getting clues and figuring out where to go next and the fact that weird things happened just blew their minds...

The resort had over 200 idols around the property. The kids had a blast spotting them as we were walking around… This is one of them...

The hubbies BBQ'd steaks one night… 

 This splash area was right by breakfast so one day we brought the kids down sunscreened and in swim suits so they can start the fun right after breakfast while we finished sipping our morning coffees….

Then hit the beach where the kids had hours of fun digging giant holes and playing in them...

 This girl was interesting…Not sure what her deal was but sure got a lot of attention from people. Especially our girls...

Hit the Adult pool as soon as the kids were checked into their club by mid afternoon...

We ventured out the nearby Mariott resort for dinner our last night while the kids ate at Aunty's House

1 comment:

  1. If I were your size, I'd buy the house next to yours so we could share clothes. Really!


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