
Saturday, May 10, 2014


 We have arrived in Hawaii (Oahu island) on Thursday. This is what I wore at night to dinner…

The inspiration was from Anthropologie's lookbook:

My chiffon paisley pants are very comfy and perfect for the resort atmosphere….

Doubled up the cookie lee necklaces in coral and turquoise...

Top - forever 21
Pants - Threadsence
Sandals - C Wonder
Necklaces - Cookie Lee

Had a smooth direct flight to Honolulu and the kids did great in the plane. We are traveling with another couple and their two kids of the same sex and age so the kids swapped seats so the girls can sit together for a while with us while the boys sat together for a while with our friends then they swapped etc…
We arrived to the beautiful island and its tropical warm weather. After getting our bags we were transported to the Aulani (Disney) Resort in a very big van shuttle just for the 8 of us.
The resort was breathtaking and of course they greet you with flower Leighs and necklaces for the kids and water infused with fruit. After a brief description of the resort we made it to our 2 bedroom suite.
Each family took a room and the ladies started unpacking while the dads took the kids immediately to swimming. We decided to get the grocery shopping done right away before entering vacation mode so while the kids swam we jumped in a cab to the super target that was close by.
Bought a whole a lot of snacks and alcohol and food for 2 dinners and some lunches for the suite and came back. What was nice is the bell boys carried it all back to our suite in crates.
After that we were starving the other had eaten already so my friend and I had a dinner together then we went to see the hula dancing show in the lawn! Before crashing very late our time but only 9 PM local time!

Look at those same eyes!


  1. Oh, great -- another reason to envy you! Have fun, pal.

  2. aw...have fun, D! wish we could have met up!! have a great mother's day!!


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