
Thursday, May 22, 2014

The world is on my side

Today's combo was inspired by a Forever 21 look:

And can you believe it I JUST realized this combo used black pants NOT blue jeans!? Oh well, I think my blue jeans looks good too. And I added the animal print belt…

Jacket, Jeans - Forever 21
Blouse - H&M
Necklace, rings - Bauble Bar
Booties - Shoedazzle
Sunglasses - Wild Fox

Well as promised today was an epic example of a jam packed day!
Started the morning with an early infusion appointment. Followed by another Dr appointment (annual) then had just enough time to get my nails done and the acrylics taken out. Then it was rushing home for a very quick lunch and picking up my daughter from my parents. Then we went and picked up my son and met my husband at the post office for our passport appointment.
Oh my goodness…. Seriously? Do the people at the post office get training on how to be slow? I mean it was mine boggling. I was about the pull my hair and trying not to show it but they were killing me. Making one photocopy would take 10 minutes. Checking the names on the forms took eternity as he adjusted his glasses with every letter it seemed. Then don't even get me started on taking the photos.
The kids were beyond bored and of course had to use the bathroom which they didn't have any then they were hungary then they were thirsty. So glad that is over with!
I am not sure if this appointment was worse or the first time we got their passports when they were babies.
After that we amazingly made it on time to my son's haircut appointment. Which surprisingly ended early so we stopped for ice cream only to get a call that I left the shampoo I paid for at the store so we tracked back to get that.
Then it was to swimming. My daughter took classes back to back so she made up the class she missed. While I made 4 phone calls re-scheduling dentist and Dr. appointments that were conflicts on the calendar.
When both kids were swimming ran and got dinner from Rubios then quickly showered them there and dressed and met my friend and her family at the beach to do her pregnancy family photo shoot.
The kids ate their food fighting the seagulls. And as luck would have it the sun kept hiding behind some dark clouds but I think some of the photos came out really good..

Of course still had to come home unload bags of wet clothes and left over dinner containers and for my self endless number of water bottles then the kids had to be changed and put to bed, my daughter needed a second shower after all that sand playing. And somehow I still had the courage and energy to clean the kitchen do 2 loads of laundry and do a brazilian butt lift workout!

Here are some of the cool photos from the shoot:


  1. my daughter is going to rome next year...i'm dreading having to get her passport! love the red shoes!


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