
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You have lost your muchness

 Today's combo was inspired by a blogger I enjoy following called
 This was a fun combo with a tunic dress and a fedora and the leggings made it very practical for me. Now that I look at the photos though I feel the ankle cuff sandals are not the best pairing but oh well...

 Hat - Swindle
Dress - chicwish or romwe (one of those international sites)
Leggings, belt - Forever 21
Bracelets - Cookie Lee
Earrings - Thread Show
Sandals - Victoria's Secret

Woke up OK but slowly started to feel just not right but kept on going. We went to the outdoor class to a park and I definitely was not feeling great. I had so much to catch up on though so went to the indoor play area so she can play and I can work then picked up my son and by that time I felt horribly sick. I took an immunity booster and medicine and begged the kids to let me sleep for an hour.
Amazingly they were good. My son started his homework when I told him and finished all of it. I am so happy by end of 1st grade I have trained him to do his own homework. My daughter kept busy with the ipad which is not great but I had to sleep. They were washing plums for a snack when I woke up and told me they resolved the red star cookie fight by simply throwing it away so no one eats it and there won't be a fight and they will both eat the blue ones after dinner.
Sometimes you got to leave them to their own devices. :)

I managed enough strength to cook them very yummy chicken fajita taco's and got them ready for bed. No workout for me today and I plan to go to bed early and hope I can kick off this thing quick...

Here was my daughter today wearing her new short/t-shirt combo and the 'very flexible' shoes my mom got her so she can wear them barefoot and still climb trees. 


  1. Daphne that's so flattering of you to take inspo from my outfit - I love your red and black take on it! I know you said maybe the sandals didn't work but I love them anyway... the cream accessories are a great pairing with the boldness of the red and black. Looking good, hun!!

    Catherine x

  2. So cute and great inspo! I love your top!


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