
Monday, July 7, 2014

Teacher's Pet

 My outfit Sunday afternoon to my stepdad's birthday dinner gathering…

The inspiration is an old one I had saved from Atlantic Pacific:

This was a somewhat conservative but a festive look. I never had the right event for it or the weather. This party was perfect though. Although it was warm so I mostly did not add the jacket….

I wasn't sure about this collar. It kept sliding away and looking weird… 

Jacket, Top, Skirt - Forever 21
Collar - Marni for H&M
Heels - Boutique 9

We woke up at Big Bear and got to sleep in so was feeling a little better.
As the mommies were sitting on the deck with our morning coffee we felt the whole ground shake to an earthquake. It was quite a rush to get the kids out of the cabin and make sure it was OK. With that jolt we started hearing lightenings and the guys decided we should get on the road before it starts raining. We had to pack and load up the cars in the rain. Our hosts decided to stay a little longer and relax. So we got on the road and made good time back.
It was unpacking and starting laundry when we got home and showering.
Then got ready for my stepdad's birthday and went over to my mom's.
She had gone all out preparing a fest and he was grilling tons of steak and lamb chops.
It was great to see some of their old friends and family again…
The kids were so happy cause they had planned to spend the night there. And since we were there during the evening I made sure they went to bed on time to catch up on the sleep they had lost during our trip….

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