
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cool and Collected

 Wednesday's outfit. The weather is still quite warm so the vest had to be ditched by 9 AM but regardless…

The inspiration is from August 2014 issue of Lucky Magazine:

 Have a lot of combos for these thrifted striped pants lately… So comfy too….

See even without the vest, thanks to do choker necklace it looks unique….

Vest, Tee, necklace - Forever 21
Pants - Tommy Hillfiger
Sneakers - Superga
Sunglasses - Betsey Johnson

The heat wave continues and so do the half day school days but today was always a half day so not much difference. Actually they didn't cancel our after school activities so the kids got out a bit later even. We had a combo playdate at our house with a new family that moved here from New Jersey. They too have a 2nd grader son and a Kinder (well transitional kindergarten) daughter. The girls are in the same class but the boys are not so they met for the first time. And being boys and loving playing ball they wasted no time warming up to each other. It was too hot so turned it into a playdate to cool everyone off. After they left went directly to the pool for my son's swim team practice followed immediately by my son's soccer team practice and I was the driver so had to stay the whole time but my hubby came to pick up daughter so at least she can eat and shower before it was too late. The coach had 'back to school night' for his own kids so ended moderately early by 6:45 so we got home but still late bedtime… How does my son not get tired I have no idea. If I can bottle up his stamina and energy and sell it would make millions. :)

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