
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mint Chocolate Chip

 Yesterday (Tuesday's) outfit… Inspired by a look from H&M:

Cute little color combination incorporating mint to black and white… Luckily this little cardigan made it (meaning stayed in the closet) after all that clothes cleansing and purging….

I hadn't worn these mint and silver bird earrings since I bought them….

I knew loafers were going to make a come back. Lots of plans for these black and white lizard print loafer my dear Dad had got me last Christmas….

Cardigan, Tee, loafers - Victoria's Secret
Skirt - Zara
Earrings - Forever 21

I had a camera memory card malfunction over the weekend so couldn't take photos until I got a new card. The weekend was a blur of soccer games and team photo appointments and I got sick. First thought it was sever allergies as I couldn't stop sneezing all day long despite the double dose of allergy drugs I took and Sunday was spent at home resting as the kids spent the night at grandparents. But by afternoon felt good enough to clean up the backyard which was a big mistake cause Monday I felt even worse. So forced myself to not do anything and rest and sleep.  Couldn't volunteer in class like I had planned but I kept the playdate plans as the boys are pretty low maintenance…
Tuesday felt better and went to my daughter's class to volunteer and grocery shop etc… The afternoon was spent doing homework with my son while my daughter does her 2 hour Rhythmic gymnastics class….


  1. Love the white skirt and this color combo.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  2. Not everyone recognizes this, but fashion is an art-form. It involves creativity, vision and talent. You excel at it.

    I love learning from you how the boundaries of fashion can expand. Mint, for example, is a color I never thought could look good but you prove me wrong. Your inventiveness is inspiring.

  3. Mint is a great color for you and those sun glasses are fab! I was looking at your kids pictures they are so adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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