
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Closer to the Sun

 Ah, I almost lost these photos and another day of outfit photos in a laptop mishap. But thank goodness for apple tech forum's someone came to rescue and gave instructions to run a few repair functions on iPhoto and they appeared again! :)

Sunday's outfit was inspired by Fashion Diva Design website:

I loved the bright pops of yellow and red with the black and white outfit. For even more edge I went with my blk tuxedo striped white jeans and added red sneakers instead of red ballet flats….

 My best friend got me this lemon yellow Ann Klein purse for my b-day. Something she would never wear herself but totally knows my taste. Don't you love when friends with totally different tastes get you exactly what you would like. That is true friendship. :)

Boyfriend Blazer - Newport News
Top - From Turkey
Jeans - Kohl's
Sneakers - Nike (from J Crew)
Purse - Anne Klein
Necklace - some jewelry site I can't remember the name….

We had a leisurely morning of lounging around with the kids and watching a family movie and playing some board games. For Sunday football we invited one of my son's friends to come and watch at least half the Chargers game. Then took all of them to the movies for my son's other friend's birthday party.
They saw 'Box Trolls' and then had ice cream and played in the play area for a fun and low key birthday party.


  1. Like you, I take my photos by myself with a remote shutter-release. In taking my pictures, I'm always worried about concealing the remote. Very worried. As if anyone seeing it will gasp in horror. Now, seeing you openly display yours, I wonder why I worry so much. It's hardly noticeable and anyone who doesn't know what it is wouldn't even recognize it. Thanks for helping me to relax!

  2. fun...i love the red + yellow accents over the black and white. especially loving those shoes!!!


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