
Monday, March 28, 2016

In One Person

Friday's outfit... Inspired by this pinterest post:

Jacket - Andrew Marc
Cardigan - Victoria's Secret
Jeans - H&M
Booties - Betsey Johnson
Scarf - Forever 21

My poor baby (my son) was sick all day Friday... I had all these errands to run but didn't do much as he was truly out of it just laying there helplessly.
We cuddled and watched movies and drank soup and tea.
Once my hubby got home he took over and I went to meet up with my book club.
The book we finished was "In One Person' by John Irving. I couldn't quite get into it but most had finished the book and said it got very interesting after a while...

We picked 'Everything I never Told You' for our next book...

1 comment:

  1. Love your outfit and jacket, been a long time and catching up on old blog buddies. Hope your child is better now.
    /Madison xx


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