
Monday, May 23, 2016

An American Girl

 My outfit Sunday as we drove to LA with my daughter and friend to 'The Grove' shopping mall to spend her friend's birthday at the American Girl Doll Store in that mall...

 This boho dress was a steal at Francesca's during Black Friday sale... at 50% off...

 Dress, Necklace, Headband - Francesca's
Boots - Madden Girl

Wow, what a heavenly mall is 'The Grove'... Have to go there with my sis and mom one time and just shop all day. Even though it has the same stores we do the merchandise seems all nicer and cooler and the mall is just so pretty and relaxing and upscale... Loved it...

Then we went in the giant American Girl Doll store... And my daughter was in heaven...
Every historical doll had its own room like a museum depicting their story. There is a spa and salon for the dolls. My daughter got a braid done for her doll and a whole design your own segment... They really know how to get you. And the prices are just crazy!

The cafe was spectacular as well. They have high chairs for your doll and the waiters cater to the little girls and their dolls like royalty...


  1. lOVELY! The outfit is very cute :)

  2. عملية تركيب سقالات معدنية في مصر تتضمن الاتي:
    تركيب الأنابيب والمكونات: تتم تركيب الأنابيب المعدنية على القواعد وتثبيتها بقواعد مناسبة. تعزز الأنابيب الثبات والتوازن للسقالة. يتم استخدام مشابك ومحابس معدنية لتجميع الأنابيب وتأمينها بشكل صحيح.

  3. ضعف الشعيرات الدموية في الأطراف السفلية والمرفقين قد يكون نتيجة لعدة أسباب، بما في ذلك الأمراض القلبية أو الأوعية الدموية، وارتفاع ضغط الدم، والتصلب العصيدي، والتدخين، واضطرابات تجلط الدم، وغيرها. واذا اردت علاج انسداد شرايين الساق يجب التعامل مع الدكتور محمود ناصر


Love to hear your thoughts...