
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Heavy Metals

Yesterday's outfit was inspired by this pinterest post:

Basic but chic especially due to layered silver necklaces...

Jacket, Necklaces - Forever 21
Top - Kika Paprika
Jeans - J Crew
Boots - Via Spiga

Went for another walk this morning with my sister and this time my step dad and mom joined us too. But our walking speeds are a bit different so we compromised...

By lunch I met up my daughter's girl scout troop at the school for their meeting and cookie awards. She came in at top 2nd in cookie sales with 228 boxes sold and over $1100 in sales! And she is 7!


  1. hello,
    amaizing post and blog my blogger friends...
    ı am following you on gfc...
    if you want follow me back , please visit my blog

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry about this; I'd forgotten the "y" in Billy :)

  3. Love this look; very glam equestrian. The Billy Joel buttons are my favorite detail. Also, congrats to your daughter. I used to be a Girl Scout and remember that selling cookies was never easy!


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