
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hey Now You are an All Star

 My all star outfit for the weekend supporting my little all star during his tournament...
I wore this top the next day with white jeans and red sneakers...

 Jacket - Forever 21
Jeans - J Crew
Sneakers - Converses
Hat and shirt - From the League

It was an amazing baseball weekend and I don't even like the sport but I love watching my son because he is so into it.
Their final game for the championship became epic as it went over time two innings in a row and both teams were sooo good. Slowly the field was surrounded by parents of other teams and age groups.
There was a point where we tought we lost and my son threw himself to the floor crying but it was a wrong call by the ump and the other team coaches actually said it wasn't right so then we continued to play. My little guy tagged the player that was running to home base from third base and threw him out and caused them to win the game!
Parents were coming to hug him at the end!
Most of us felt like throwing up from the stress of watching our kids. But even though the kids do feel sad if they loose they don't get stressed like us. It is amazing how cool they handle themselves during the game. Very impressive...

Then after they won the championship! We left directly for a Memorial day BBQ at our friend's house...

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