
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hey Bartender

 What I wore to our Holiday Party Saturday night...
The theme was 'ugly sweater' or 'festive holiday wear'....
So I combined the festive wear with a fun headband....

Tank, Headband, Necklace  - Forever 21
Sequin Leggings - H&M
Heels - Shoedazzle

My sister came to rescue during the day to help me prepare... Let me tell you preping the base for these cocktails took us close to 3 hours. It was look cooking...
Then another 30 minutes doing the last minute mix and pour right before the party...
The end result was worth it...
People always come anticipating the craft cocktails and love trying them out...
My favorite  thing to prep....

We had over 100 people! Half kids half adults... It does get quite out of hand especially due to rowdy boys... Next year we might switch to an all adult party...

Below is all the Turkish Ladies that were at the party...

1 comment:

  1. What a great look! The headband is so festive. Your parties always seem so joyful. Happy holidays!


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