
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Get In The Game

 I am behind again so not sure which day I wore this but it is from last week...

Here is the inspiraiton from Pinterst:

I decided to go with my cotton bomber jacket instead of a military one cause it was more cozy and comfy... I like the color it adds too...

Jacket, Leggings, Scarf, Beret - Forever 21
Sneakers - APL

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Roller Coaster

What I wore Tuesday... Inspired by this:

I think I should have done a white top underneath as I look too black on top but didn't really realize it until I saw the photos... It is super busy and hectic with kids out of school so I put on the outfit but then hardly any time is spent accessorizing and we do back to back crazy events that it is challenging to find one outfit that goes with all. Such as surfing at the beach to running errands to going to skating rink to going out with friends....

Blazer - Newport News
Scarf - kika Paprika
Top - Free People
Jeans - Zara
Boots - Ivanka Trump

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Pastel Sunday

 My Easter outfit...

Found this silk Vince Camuto dress on clearance at Macy's while shopping for a black tie event. It was hung with the evening dresses for some reason and only one left and my size!

It has this cool choker/chain neck closure...

Dress - Vince Camuto
Sandals - Nine West
Bracelets - Bauble Bar & Forever 21

Had a nice morning with kids opening presents from the Easter Bunny then drove with the whole family to my in-laws for Easter Brunch hosted by them at their club house. Unfortunately we underestimated the traffic and it took twice as long and the kids were starving but got there just a bit late and ate like crazy.
Then we spent the afternoon at their house and got back on the road to return home...
Lovely way to spend a relaxing Easter (minus the drive there)....

I love how the women/girl are all so very color coordinated....

Monday, March 28, 2016

In One Person

Friday's outfit... Inspired by this pinterest post:

Jacket - Andrew Marc
Cardigan - Victoria's Secret
Jeans - H&M
Booties - Betsey Johnson
Scarf - Forever 21

My poor baby (my son) was sick all day Friday... I had all these errands to run but didn't do much as he was truly out of it just laying there helplessly.
We cuddled and watched movies and drank soup and tea.
Once my hubby got home he took over and I went to meet up with my book club.
The book we finished was "In One Person' by John Irving. I couldn't quite get into it but most had finished the book and said it got very interesting after a while...

We picked 'Everything I never Told You' for our next book...