
Saturday, February 18, 2017


 What I wore yesterday... Not on the snow but we did have crazy winds during the day and pouring rain at night...

Inspiration from Pinterest:

 Beret, Sweater - Forever 21
Pants - Nordsrom Rack
Boots - Hunter

The kids were off school so they had swim practice in the morning and my daughter and I went to her first girl scout cookie sale booth while leaving my son at a playdate...
During the crazy winds the girls hardly sold any cookies but what can you do.
We rested at home a bit then all together went to see the Harlem Globetrotters!
It was a blast although a very late (and wet) night...

1 comment:

  1. The true sign of a stylish woman is how she appears in cold or rainy weather. Here, the stripes and bright red and white colors create amazing visual interest. You look terrific!


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