
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Snow Bound

 What I wore last Friday as we headed to Big Bear for a weekend of snow and skiing....


This was a perfect travel outfit. Comfy and cozy for a long ride...

Sweater, beret - Forever 21
Leggings - Cotton On
Boots - Target
Scarf - Hand made (gift from a family friend)

It was a crazy morning of running around packing and getting ready for the weekend.
My hubby couldn't join us due to tax season so I was going solo with the kids (and our group). Then my friend's husband got sick so she joined me for a carpool and we partnered as we managed the weekend with 2 kids each and no husbands!
Took turns driving up the mini van loaded with 4 kids and packed to the rim.
As we got to their school to pull them out early we found my daughter in the nurse's office sick!
Not a great way to start the weekend.
We got her all cozy in the 3rd row with pillows and blanket and she slept most of the ride up...
Then when we got to the mountain to pick up our cabin key my friend's daughter threw up!
Now we were very afraid as to how this was all going to turn out.
My daughter was truly out of it as she wanted to do nothing with snow when we arrived and just crashed on the bed so they all went out to dinner while I stayed with her and she threw up too!!

Amazingly though the next morning she woke up totally fine and skiied all day and had a blast.
We were so happy for the turnaround.
And the kids never wanted to be pulled out of ski school since they got to cut the long lines my friend and I skiied all day picking chairs with no lines and sometimes pushing our limit to the max... :)

The next morning the kids all played in the snow in the back yard of the cabin we rented for hours and we fed them lunch and changed them before heading back to San Diego...

When we first arrived at the cabin Friday afternoon:
 You can tell my daughter is so pale and not happy...


These guys are ready for ski school...

 Gorgeous view on top of this chair lift....
 This white black and red combo was inspired by:


KIDS pass the time early morning playing on their ipads and hanging out:

We are enjoying the pretty view after packing:

 Kids have a blast playing in the cabin's backyard late morning on Sunday...

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