
Friday, June 23, 2017

The hardest job you'll ever love

 What I wore last weekend... This was Saturday and you will see Sunday below...

Inspiration was from J Crew's current look:
 Mixing khaki with warm pink...

 Top - Gap
Hat, Pants - Forever 21
Sandals - Soludos
Sunglasses - Ray Ban

Here is m little guy photo bombing! :)


We had no reservations on Sunday for Father's day so decided to go super early to guarantee a table at this cool place we had never been. Sure enough at 7:30 am had no trouble getting a table...

Did a nice walk on the pier after breakfast... Then it was resting at home before my son had his big baseball game in the sectional all star tournament. 

 With Grandpa's....

With Daddy!

I bought this hat from the restaurant.. 

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