
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Boots and Shorts and a small Lion

Today again was going to be a non-post day as the forecast was still warm and I am really not inspired to put together any warm day outfits at this point. Wore a beach dress to the kids swim class only to face thunder storms and rain on the way back. So, changed into this outfit for the afternoon. This is a tough combo because it is summery due to shorts (with no tights) but has boots and a LS shirt so requires a special kind of weather and today's was perfect. I got inspired by my sister who wore a similar get-up the other day. Basically the concept of plaid shirt over Jeans with a fancy necklace was what appealed to me. She wore flats but I though it would be perfect with these slouchy boots (she said something to the effect of shorts and boots cut off her legs which I don't think they do). These boots are at least 5 years old but still look great. I guess it helps to have way too  many pairs of boots. This plaid shirt has hints of the same camel color of the boots so they go really nice together. Wanted to keep the look basic so went with a ribbed white tank. Too bad I didn't change my bra as the black really shows through! :( This chain bib necklace is my new favorite necklace. From Forever 21 of course. I have been meanning to go back and get the faded gold color as well if they still have it of course.

After only 3 shots it started rainning again so the rest of the photos are under a canopy which does not provide enough light!

Plaid shirt - Forever 21 (heritage collection)
Ribbed white tank - Target
Cut off shorts - TJ Maxx
Bib necklace - Forever 21
Slouchy leather camel colored boots - Charles David

Today's Activities: Swim class in the morning, followed by lunch at home with a friend. During nap I cooked again but have been trying to squeeze at least one luxury activity such as a short nap, reading a book or blogging. Today I read a little and started on the blog. Worked on my son's preschool art project for a little while before heading to music class. After the class my other 2 friends and I 'tried' to stop by starbucks. 3 Mom's and 6 kids in a tiny starbucks is a sight to see. Comical really. There was a poor little pregnant woman sitting there chatting with her friend and eyeing us with true fear. We tried to tell her to not be scared, but who are we kidding? She could surely see this is probably one of the last times she is 'sitting' (all 3 of us were standing the whole time) and drinking a hot beverage (we wouldn't dare) and chatting with a friend quietly (we never complete our sentences). After making a general apology to the patrons of the coffee shop we headed out. Worked more on the art project before dinner. My daughter had an awfully tough evening demanding she is held the entire time, not allowing me to clean up. Spoke to Hubby/Daddy via skype for a while and finally finished the stupid art project (see photos below).

 My son is obsessed with Lions (all started with Lion King) so naturally when we were given a cut out gingerbread man shaped cut out and asked what he would like to make he said 'a lion'. This was supposed to be a family project which translates mom's do all the work and the kids help (such as getting glue everywhere). I am not an artistic person so hopefully this at least resembles a Lion. He thought so anyway. He is especially fascinated by the whiskers.


  1. Aw your son is adorable!
    I love the laid back feel of this outfit with the plaid.. but I LURVE those slouchy boots. Awesome!

  2. Hee, hee the lion is super cute! Love your outfit. The fancy necklace really makes this outfit creative. Your boots are really cute too. Following you now :)

  3. LOVE the plaid with those boots...and your little guy is tooooo cute!!!

    Enter my F21 Giftcard Giveaway!!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, in my opinion, you are very beautiful indeed!!!
    Oh and please, cut off about 6-1/2" inches from your shorts cause..."DAAAAMMMNN!"


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