
Friday, October 1, 2010

Blogging for Breast Cancer a wear ness

I absolutely love this skirt. Of course I would since it is made out of tulle. I have a few combo's on my list with it. Wasn't exactly sure about today's combo. Really wanted to wear this with grey leggings but the ones I had looked too dark with the silver hoodie. Wore it as is. Just feel like something is missing. Not sure.

Tulle Skirt - Forever 21
Black Tee - Target
Silver hoodie - Bebe sport
Boots - Steve Madden I think, they are super old
Necklace - H&M
Ring - gift from Mom


Oh, that is right. I am supporting the breast cancer awareness month by a challange a fellow blogger has started. Must wear something pink everyday or every post we should say. Today it is my ring. Check out the full challange details on A Working Moms Closet

Today: Exhausting day of grocery shopping, playtime and lunch at indoor play place (Kid Ventures). Attempts to rest while kids napped. Checked out the American Appearel store in my neighborhood. Never had been in one. Some really cool pieces combined with very 80's items that are somewhat scary at prices I am not willing shell out. May be their online sales are better, not sure. Went over to my friend's house for dinner.


  1. LOVE! It almost looks like your skirt is a really pale pink but yes, just having the ring works too!

    That skirt is SO fantastic and I love the mix of super girly with the boots. You look fantastic!

    Thanks for taking on the challenge with me!

  2. LOVE this little outfit...the ring is soooo pretty!!!

    Enter my F21 Giftcard Giveaway!!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  3. ahhh..u really got cute yet sweet skirt!
    love it dear.


  4. I think it's a perfect combo. And that ring is amazing!

  5. Cuuute tulle skirt,
    and your rings are awesome!!

    *sayablack from TOKYO*


Love to hear your thoughts...