
Thursday, October 28, 2010

50s Costume

You are going to be seeing a lot of costumes in the next few days since we have a lot of  Halloween events that not only require my kids in costume but us adults too. And of course since it is me I will probalby wear something different each time. I honestly don't have the time to put too much effort into my costumes. I have a big Halloween bin but of course a lot of the costumes in there are too sexy for kids parties or trick or treating so having to come up with more appropriate. Today's was for a kids' preschool praty. My mom had worn this skirt to a new year's eve party one year where we were suppose to be dress per the decade we were born in. I know it is too much red but this twin set is the only one I have. I had to dust off these great penny loafers in my closet. Wore them so much for years but haven't in a long time.

Here in the class with the kids... Mr. Pirate and Ms. Tinkerbell

My son is actually super happy always smiling boy. He just always gets pulled away from fun for photos and that is why he usually poses in this 'dead bored' look on his face...

Today's Activities: Preschool Halloween party in the morning. By the time we got home I was too exhausted behind 2 cups of coffee I had no energy. So I layed when the kids napped. Then I totally played hookie and did not go to either of our (swim and music) classes this afternoon. Just took it easy with the kids at home, showered, dried my hair, paid the bills and cooked. It was great. My dad and sister came over for dinner and pumpkin carving. Much more relaxing than if I rushed around like a crazy women.

Here is my son helping with the carving:

Here are our finished pumpkins... I need to buy some candles tomorrow to light them...


  1. SUPER cute poodle skirt...everyone looks great!!

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  2. İ love this costume and your ponytail goes great with it. The kids are looking so cute as usual and the pumpkins are looking amazingly professional! Who made that smiling funny face İ loke that the most!

  3. how fun! you look so cute and so do your kids! happy halloween.

  4. I just ran into your blog and im so happy I did! Its a great blog you have such nice posts!You look stunning and I love your kids:)
    Im gonna follow you!
    Hope you take the time to visit me back and follow me back if you like

    Lots of love
    from belgium,

  5. your poodle skirt is so cute! all your photos are super cute too!


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