
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ms. Wonder Woman

Told you there would be some costume posts these few days. Tomorrow will be the last  one I promise. Then I will be back to my wonderful list of outfit combos. This costume is my sister's although she has never worn it. She bought it 50% off last year. The dress part doesn't quite sit right (as she warned me) but I didn't really care. And the boot covers nose part hardly stayed put. Oh well... The skirt is definitely too mini when I am with kids bending up and down but I was with my husband and very careful. If I had any leggings that would remotely match this I would have worn it but I didn't have any.
You like my funny poses?

Today's Activities: Woke up to rain. With no morning plans and husband having to work (from home), I dressed up the kids in their rain boots and went outside to jump in puddles and take a walk. Got to try out my son's new umberella as well...

Late morning my son and dad took my son for some male bonding (I guess) and I went with my daughter to the kid mall to kill time. After naps we went to our friend's halloween party. It was a big group with lots of kids and a lot of fun in the midst of chaos.

Here is our beautiful host (coincidentally we were both dressed as super hero woman and our daughters were both tinker bell. The one in the photo is her little one)...


  1. Nice costumes!:D

    Your son's umbrella is too cute, your kids are adorable!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  2. This otfit is my favorite on you . İt is either because you are a wonder woman yourself or you have the legs for it! İ loved all the photos and Juliet is wearing her rain boots. trevors umbrella must be from turkey so cute.happy hollowen to all of you.

  3. I've ALWAYS wanted to dress up as Wonder Woman! You did her proud lady!


Love to hear your thoughts...