
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pink Rain

Thunderstorms and rain in the forecast today. So got all prepared by putting on my rain boots and my cute pink trenchcoat. As I had explained a few posts ago I can't really carry or use umberellas with kids/stroller/bags etc.. So this hat is perfect. On the inside I wanted to add a bright pop of color to go with the black and white boots. Hot pink was perfect. I always wear hot pink under this teal and black hoodie so went with that. Added to it my funky charm necklace and all set.

everything today is old...
Pink Trenchcoat - Newport News Catalog
Teal zebra print hoodie - H&M
Hot pink button down - limited
skinny jeans - Forever 21
rain boots - Target (they still have this in stock I heard)
charm necklace - Betsey Johnson
Hat - Dooney & Burke

Today's Activities: Our pumpkin patch field trip was cancelled due to weather so we went to class again instead. At this point everyone agrees wit me that my 1.5 year old daughter is crazy. She is a serious dare devil who gets into everything and does it all looking righ into your eyes with the cutest smile and defiance that you can't even get mad. Oh, she is going to be so much trouble her teenage years I am so not looking forward to it. After naps (or no nap for my son) my mom and step dad came over to hang out with the kids while I ran errands and grocery shopped. Amazing how fast I can get through things if I am not taking two kids in and out of car seats in every stop. My dad took over just a bit before I came home. I cooked dinner while dad played with them and we had a nice family dinner.


  1. Cute outfit, you're making me want to buy new rain boots!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  2. Love the different variations of pink and oh! also those boots.

  3. I hope you jumped into a few puddles with those funky rainboots! :)

  4. Very cute outfits and color combinations. Love the pink for the overcast wheather soo cheery! Julıet also enjoyed her new pink rain boots in the poddles in your backyard!


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