
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Going casual

It is storming here today and we had no plans so no motivation to dress up. Went very casual. Everything except for the jean jacket felt baggy today. Not sure why. I thought these leggings with the side design would go great with my red cardigan since it also has similar designs. I bought this cardi couple years ago before blogging. It is a nice cardi but I have never wear it other than casual outfits.

Black yoga pants - Closet
Purple tee - Forever 21
Red cardigan - Ed Hardy (from Costco)
Crop Jean Jacket - can't remember where I got this.
Boots - Ugg

Today's Activities: I honestly tried to stay at home today as long as possible but by 10 AM my daughter had it. She got so fussy that I knew we had to leave. We headed to a mommy cafe that had changed location and we had not visited it yet. It has a nice indoor and outdoor play area and a good menu. Had my friend meet us there and we even got the kids to play outdoors before it started pouring. Stayed there a while before heading home. It was a slow and dangerous ride in stormy weather (well as stormy as we get it here in Southern CA). My mom came over and we just hung out at home since it was too nasty to go anywhere.


  1. Hi, I have days like that (no motivation)! Actually, way more than "dress-up" days (and by dress-up i mean anything that doesn't look like gym-close!
    Thanks so much for your nice comment. Are you sure you are close to my age??? You look at least ten years younger!
    Keep up the good work!
    Will be back

  2. Love the jean jacket. I had to retire mine a couple years ago and I miss it!

  3. hi again! i just followed you. funny, i wanted to change my blog name to Confessions of a Soccer Mom (this was before I saw your title). i'm hesitant to do that because i'm not sure if i'd get new web address or will keep the old one... i could not help but notice your blog title and your web address are different. is that what happened? did you change your title?
    Thanks for your help in this!


Love to hear your thoughts...