
Monday, October 18, 2010

Soldier on the go

Loving this outfit today. I got this military style jacket last month from TJ Maxx. What I loved the most about it is it is made out of sweatshirt material so it is very soft and comfy. Normally jackets feel bulky and uncomfortable when I am indoors with kids so I love ones that are like this that feel more like a top than a jacket. It is pretty crop though so I am glad I wore this simple black top underneath. These boots are super old. The reason all my boots are in great shape is because I have too many of them. I just checked out the top boxes in my closets and remembered I store all of them for when the style comes back. I have 10 pairs of tall boots! 6 of these are black! BUT to my defense they are all different. I have flat over the knee and tigh high high heeled ones. I have pointy toe stilettho and round toe and simple flat leather as well as a gold zippered flat leather one. So, you can see between these and my calf and ankle lenght boots it is easy to alternate and ensure none of them gets too worn out. I do love this pair but wish the heel was just an inch shorter. Than I could wear it so much more. Today I didn't have much walking so it was OK but they are too high normally for kid time. I tied the scarf by pushing the long ends to the back so the jacket can be seen. However, this style does not really work with the kids as every time I bend down the ends come to the front. So I dithced it indoors. Wouldn't have worn it all but the outfit needed a color to break the black and green monotone. The hat I think looks great with the look and perfect for today where there is misty rain and I can never use an umberella when pushing a double stroller and lugging diaper bags and jackets etc... so hats are the only way to protect from the rain.

Military Jacket - Romeo and Juliet Couture (TJ Maxx) - new
Black LS top - Gap (old)
Blue skinny jeans - Forever 21 (old)
Scarf - Forever 21 - new
Hat - old not even sure how I have acquired it, possibly for a halloween costume
Tall high heel leather boots - J Crew (super old)

Today's Activities: Went to preschool as usual. Fun day. Tried to get things done during nap time but very short lived, especially since my son again did not nap and comes out of his room a few times there are lots of interruptions. Somehow managed to pay the rest of the bills with myd daughter on my lap after they woke up. Came to the indoor play area in the late afternoon for some free play time. For the first time brought my laptop so I can continue working. Might do this more often.
My husband has after work meetings so alone tonight.


  1. Cute....that jacket looks so comfortable!

  2. Loving the jacket!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  3. Great look!
    I have a similar jacket, but in black

  4. That's military done right! Love the jacket!

  5. That's a really feminine twist to the military look. Might just copy this one, if I can get a similar jacket.


Love to hear your thoughts...