
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baggy Clothes

I attempted to wear this outfit twice before and am tired of it so today I was wearing it no matter what. First time it was rainning and oxfords wouldn't do. Yesterday my son was sick all day so didn't go out at all. The inspiration came from the following outfit in the JCrew catalog:

When I put everything on though I realized it does not have the look I wanted. That is because as you probably can see as well everything on me is big on me. The coat is like 2 sizes big, looks huge. The pants are definitely a size big. I really want to re-use my existing clothes but I think sometimes I need to make an exception and let go. I mean this is no different that wearing clothes that are too tight on you I feel. Ill fitting either way is not good.

I do like how this necklace looks though. I hung it low so it almost looks like it is part of the sweater. I could have also gone with a burnished gold bib chain necklace that had rhinestones in the same hue as the sweater but I liked how this black picked out the black of the fingerless gloves. I saw a similar one at BCBG for over $100 but I knew I had one similar saved in my 'wish list' on website. But, as we were browsing the shops in Vegas ran into this in Bebe on clearance for $10 so got it right away.

Man this coat looks huge. Why on earth did I buy it this size even years ago. I know I was in a phase of wanting things to be loose and given that this is a coat but probably wanted to make sure it fit over winter clothes. But still... 

Cream Coat - JCrew
Sweater - Banan Republic
Lace trim tank (underneath) - Ann Taylor
Boyfriend Jeans - Newport News Catalog
Fringe necklace - Bebe
Oxfords - Forever 21
Fingerless gloves - gift from mom

Today's Activities: So washed my hair yesterday. I was so nervous I wouldn't feel anything different after spending all that money but I did. As it was air drying I immediately felt it 'not' getting bigger and frizzier. As I blow dried it when it was almsot dry it didn't fight me. Then instead of using a flat iron I used electric rollers. Before the rollers was not enough to cut out the frizz but this time they worked just fine. SO, I am very happy about the Brazilian blowout. HOWEVER, I hate the color. I forgot to take a picture I will tomorrow but I showed him a photo of a dark haired girl with very very blond highlights. He got the dark base color right but the highlights are not light enough and I don't like this all dark hair. I am going to call tomorrow to complaint. AFter spending a fortune I should be happy about all of it. Don't you agree? I even told him as my hair dried the highlights were not right but he kept saying they would get lighter after a wash. Well they didn't!
So back to today. My all night and all day puking and not moving from the couch son woke up totally fine and hungry. Figured after he downed his oatmeal and no puking he could go out. Took them both to the mall (outdoor as majority of the malls in San Diego are) where they have ton of kid stuff. Met another (Turkish) mommy there for a playdate. Fitted some after Christmas shopping for the kids as well between train and playground and lunch. After naps we ran errands of kinko's, dry cleanning and groceries. I printed some cute photos at home to include in my 'thank you' cards but they were not good enough quality for albums. I have this 'Christmas' Album where I dedicate a page for 'annual potluck', 'xmas eve', 'xmas day' 'new year's eve' and 'new year's day' for each year. Each page is 5 photos only. I started the year I was pregnant for my son (2006). It is already great to look back and remember who we spent the holidays with and how different kids look from one year to the next. So printed photos for that album. I know, I know...'you and your crazy projects' as my husband would say. :)


  1. I love this look! It's so cute and casual! The necklace totally looks like it goes with the sweater - like a really pretty trim. :) I love the F21 oxfords as well - they look great peaking out from your cuffed jeans!

  2. I know my boyfriend jeans are a bit big on me, but I can't stop wearing them. They're SO comfy!

  3. Such a well put-together outfit! I looooove the necklace. I'm following your blog!

  4. I love this look! That necklace is fab!


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