
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not Feelin It

I just am not feeling it these past couple days about the outfits. This has been on my list for quite some time. My wanting to re-wear this very old skirt and the top.  I initally wanted to wear the skirt with ankle socks and mary janes. But for one it was pouring and cold and for two the skirt's hem is too long and it looks weird on my skinny legs. I need the length to be right below my knee where this is down to my calves. May be mom can fix it for me. But, it is a very warm and cozy skirt. The top is from my Turkish relative's clothing boutique from couple year's ago. Love how different it is mixing wool fabric with wool knit and satin. The arms are knit so it feels like a sweater even though looks and feels like a dressy top.

Early morning photos do not come out great. I look so tired and puffy. I also got lazy and did not accessorize. Told you just not feeling it.

Flannel lined pink skirt - French Connection
Top - Boutique in Turkey
Boots - Newport News

Today's Activities: Knowing it was going to be rainy today had already made plans to meet at a new indoor play area with a few of my mommy friends. This place was called 'pump-it-up'. They pretty much took a warehouse, carpeted it and filled it with 5 giant jumpies. The problem was it was open play for all ages and my almost 2 yr old daughter got clobbered among the pre-teens. She then mainly stayed on the carpeted area. It was cool to check it out but not sure will go again. Afterwards came home for lunch to a pleasant surprise of finding my husband home early from work. When they woke up went to the camera store with my son to exchange my new camera bag for a backpack style. They didn't have a great selection so came home and ordered it from Amazon instead. Now until it comes I can't really go anywhere with the new camera. We then went to my mom's for dinner. My stepdad's cousin and her family was in town visiting. Great big group and a lovely dinner. Too bad my son puked right at the dinner table after his 2nd bite. Amazing how his spirits did not change at all. He even managed to negoiate with my step dad into taking two ornaments from their tree for his own tree. He is a funny kid that one. Tomorrow is the big balloon parade here so must go to bed now to make it to the 8:30 am breakfast plans. Oh, HAPPY to announce I will be getting my hair fixed tomorrow. Lets hope he really can fix it.


  1. Even if you aren't "feeling it" right now, I do like the boots with the skirt and the top is really cool with the big collar. Adds some interesting details to the outfit. Hope you get your groove back soon,
    xo MODELmumma

  2. I love the color of the skir, but I Completely understand not feeling it. It must be the weather but I have zero motivation.
    The dance class that my son is starting is called kindermovement and it is for 3-4 year olds. I would look for any class that is titled creative movement or something like that. Usually the focus is on basic dance dynamics like high, low levels, fast vs slow, making shapes with the body, etc. The studio we are going to is pretty formal so he'll need tights and a boy tank. I'm not sure if he'll be the only boy in the class, but my friend dances there and she says that there are a few little boys who dance there too, He's pretty excited about it.

  3. I love your top and how you paired it with the pink!
    My son just went to a birthday party at Pump it up and he loved it. For parties and close the place to the public and it is much better...the little ones can play without getting trampled.

  4. İ love that jacket looks really cool with pink skirt and boots. Hope your hair will be however you want it today. Good luck!!


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