
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Golden Gleam

If you can believe this, I found this dress in my evening gown bin when I was pulling out something else. I have never worn it nor do I know where it came from. As it turns out this was a left over from my mom's thrift store and I must have liked it to keep it. I love its cut and color so even though it was a bit dressy for a house party I wore it anyway. I got the inspiration to wear all black tights and shoes underneath from the following: 
The article says to pick a dress that is bell shaped to give you comfort. Mine is far from that. It fits like a corset and the those side off shoulder straps restrict you from moving your arms up. But I managed for the sake of style as usual. 

I decided to keep the jewelry to a minimum. So for my arms added this wide cuff. It was perfect:

This necklace was made by my aunt and bought (gold and the diamonds) by my grandparents when I first got married. I love it and very rarely wear it cause I am afraid something will happen to it.

Gold Dress - Vintage
Black platforms - Newport News Catalog
Necklace and earings - From Turkey
Bracelet - Forever 21

Saturday's Activities: Ran errands in the morning with the kids grocery shopping for our big potluck party. While my husband entertained them I got things ready. We were expecting close to 60-70 people so moved all the furniture to the sides to create open big spaces. It was still very very crowded especially in the kitchen. Thank goodness they are all good friends so I kept telling them to move out of the kitchen area. Our party started at 5:30 PM to accomodate families with kids. There were a large group of families with kids, a group of my girl friends, a big group of my family members and small group of older couples. Great mix of friends and family. All the kids were having a blast running around up and down the stairs and playing in my son's room and the family room. I didn't quite drink or eat until we put the kids down but that was OK. Once my kids were down and all other other families with kids left which was by 8:30 PM, we started drinking and playing games. It was a lot of fun. See photos below:

Notice how I matched my daughter's outfit to mine. She was given an outfit with this gold jacket when she was born. I thought it was perfect with my gold dress.  

Here I am with my mom and dad... 

And finally a photo of my girls: 

We have an amazing friendship. I was thinking I have formed many friendships over the years based ons on some sort of comman factor, like school, work, maritial status and mommy status etc... What I found was as my status would change the friendships would fade away. But not with these girls. As you can see we are nothing alike yet have been friends for ever. May be that is because our friendship does not from having a common factor. We differ in our race, taste of food, taste of man, marital status, kid status, profession/income and age! What we cherish is our individuality and the divesity and how much we value our friendship.

Here is a group of us playing 'catch phrase'. The photo is taken from top of the stairs...  The one with his hands open holding the game machine is my brother!


  1. Everyone looks amazingly beautiful. The gold dress matching to Juliet is so cute and sweet but sexy! especially after adding those black tights.
    İt was a lot of fun and thanks for having the party since no one dares to have this crowd but you guys!!!

  2. That dress was made for you! It fits perfectly!! Love that you and your daughter match- too cute!

  3. The story behind your necklace is great. It's very pretty.

  4. That necklace is beautiful! Loving that your daughter and you match!!


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