
Sunday, December 19, 2010


I picked this outfit for the ballet today. If you know me by now you know that I love anything that is pink, tulle and lace all because I love ballet. I took ballet classes all through college and even took lessons afterwards for fun. I do not have the feet or the flexibility for it but love it anyway.
Which is why I had bought this sweater the minute I saw it couple years ago at F21. I wore it so much it is totally starting to show. Thought it would go great over this tiered grey lace skirt.

Decided to add the faux fur collar and a vintage looking pin instead of a necklace. This collar was actually part of a shrug cardigan. It was removable so this year now that they are totally in I am wearing it with other clothes to add a bit of interest.


I have been dying to wear these pink sandals which have touches of grey and silver in them. They were bought during the sex in the city era when I was inpired by endless purchases of designer shoes. Now that wearing open toed sandals with tights and socks is in I can wear them in winter like this.

Added the beret last minute when I saw it was rainning. The color is more dusty rose than petal pink but it goes well enough.

Forgot to take a close-up of my earings when they were on so here they are in the box. I love wearing these when i wear pink and silver.

As an outerwear went with my pink trenchcoat. All about pink today.

Everything is old, except for the beret...

Ballet Sweater - Forever 21
Skirt - Tara Jarmon for Target
Tights - who knows
Sandals - Kate Spade
Beret - Forever 21
Earings - Juicy Couture
Trenchcaot - Newport News Catalog

Today's Activities: Hung out at the house all morning trying to get the house back to normal after our huge party last night. Family friend came by to visit the kids so that helped us get more things done. After my daughter went down for a nap, left her with my husband and took my son to see the 'Nutcracker' Ballet performed by a youth ballet company. It was obvioulsy not as good as professional performances but it was a good introduction for my son. He couldn't last all 3 acts so we left towards the end of act 2 when he couldn't sit still anymore. He did enjoy parts of it but got bored when the music became slow and there were only pairs or single dancers on stage. Liked when it was a full crowd and loud music. Of course he fell a sleep on the way back so we let him take a very late nap in the car. Changed into much warmer clothes and met my Dad, cousins and brother and sister in law to watch the xmas lighted boat parade on the bay. It was rainning so found a restaurant that has tables facing the water outside with a covered roof and heat lamps. Saw a few boats but then found out it was cancelled due to bad weather. Kids still had fun just from being outside and with family.

Here I am with my son in front of the ballet building:


  1. I LOVE ballet...and the top w/the fur collar is too look lovely:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  2. You look great! I like the shoes! (I'm obsessed with shoes)

  3. That shirt is great and I want a fur collar so bad. I love dance so much. In college I took so many dance classes as my stress relief, I ended up with a dance degree too.

  4. The outfit is perfect with all the pink and grey and İ love the shoes with grey hose! that t shirt is darling and sooo you. The fur color is an unexpected touch of detail but İ like it with the pin.


Love to hear your thoughts...