
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Penguin Friendly

I got the inspiration for this outfit from the recent ugg advertisement:

I liked it cause it had a leather vest. I took this from my mom's closet the other day and had not figured out what to wear it with yet.  I also own a grey t-neck but felt the colors were a bit too monotone. So I decided go with a teal t-neck instead. I won a thin one with 3/4 sleeves but today's weather woul have required a coat on top if I wore that top so instead went with my thick and chunky teal t-neck sweater instead. Again something I haven't worn in years. I do love this sweater though as it is very cheery and soft. Usually though too heavy for our weather.

I also own black uggs as you know but wanted to switch it up a bit with my cognac colored ones. Plus I like the style of these a lot more. 
I like this concept of wearing a watch over the clothing idea which i got from the inspiration photo the other day.

Random accessories of my leather rose ring and the peacock feather earings. The earings I think go really nicely with the sweater. The ring matches too much but I wanted to wear it anyway. I also added a headband for fun.

Teal Sweater - Roxy (from Nordstrom Rack)
Black leather crop vest - Mom's (tag says BP Nordstroms)
Skinny Jeans - Forever 21
Winter boots - Uggs
Earings - Forever 21
Ring - from Turkey

Today's Activities: Finally got a good night of sleep and had enough energy to get kids ready and lunch packed and left the house by 9:30 AM to be at Sea World right when they opened. We had a great time just me and the kids. The park was pretty much dead. Every exhibit was nice and quiet and peaceful. At the end we saw the new dolphin show (blue horizons) ate our packed lunch while waiting and watching. The kids acted so good never begging to be carried, not running away and having fun at all times. Came home for naps. Trevor did not sleep but he did play quietly for 3 hours (the duration of little sis's nap) in his room. When a lot of noise started coming I went up to look and he was actually putting his toys away! Not normal behaviour for him by any means but I will take it. To reward such good manners we took them for a round of mini golf than met our friends (with kids) for dinner at soup plantation. We love it there as the food is ready and instant and healthy. My daughter still manages to only eat the pasta but will tolerate peas and corn (the least healthy veggies) while my crazy son tastes anything from red cabbage to beets to beans. We came home and met my dad and cousins for a short visit before they went out to dinner at a grown up hour. Great day overall.

Here are the kids posing with me during my photo shoot...They always have snack cups in their hands in these photos because I always give their morning snack as we are leaving the house to eat in the car! Also keeps them busy while I do my photo shoot!

Here are a couple Sea World Photos....

Other than the indoor penguin exhibit they have these guys actually living outside in our Southern CA weather!


  1. I love how between your closet and your mom's, you can cover any trend!!

    Sounds like you had a really fun day. I love that your son put his toys away - so sweet!

  2. I think the aqua is perfect with this outfit! Very cute, functional look.

  3. your kids are so adorable...snack cups are the best diversions when you need a second!!
    I love the leather vest over sweater...such a great inspired by outfit!!

  4. İ love the color of the sweater and the rose ring. The only thing İ would do different is İ think wearing black boots as i love to match things coming from a 'you need to match everything' generation and İ am shorter so it does make me look taller. İ love the sea world pictures İ would have definitely come but was very sick:(


Love to hear your thoughts...