
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Plaid Charm

I ordered this dress a month ago so it was time I wore it. It is quite comfy, soft and lightweight. 

 The mustard tights were an unusual addition I know but I like it. I was still cold so added my old childhood chunky cardgian. The yellow in the flowers goes with the tights.

Added these orange and bunished gold earings...

plaid dress - Forever 21
Cardigan - very old from Turkey
mustard tights - we love colors
boots - Via Spiga
earings - Buffalo Exchange

Today's Activities - Another rough night this time due to running out of allergy medication. I am so exhausted. It was my daughter's first day of gymnastics class though so we got ready. My husband took my son for some tennis and beach outing while I took my daughter to her class. She did so good and loved it. She is obsessed with monkey bars and they had a whole circuit of 9 different monkey bars and she was in heaven. Afterwards we all met at the mall for lunch and after lunch I pretty much forced my husband to check out JCrew and Steve Madden. They didn't have size in the shoes and he hated to boots I liked for him so that was a dud. But he did like the coolest army jacket and the sweater and shirt at JCrew. They were at amazing prices. We of course could not leave without a visit to the disney store but he was good at understanding the promise that we were not going to buy anything. We came home for naps. In the afternoon my mom came and her and I took the kids to visit her old friends at their hotel for couple hours. Came home to watch the new blue ray ice age 2 movie my son and husband bought during their outing. And after baths and bedtime we finally watched the netflix that has been sitting on our cabinet: "Shutter Island". Creepy...


  1. I love this! The yellow tights are great, totally unexpected!

  2. loooove this outfit. and i LOVE these tights, I'm totally going to buy them next fall, i'm in love with all things mustard.

  3. Love how those bright tights pop against the plaid!

  4. I'm with Kristin - love the pop of color!


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