
Friday, March 18, 2011

Friend Friday Post

I am posting due to my commitment to FBFF and the Color Rotation challange. But I did want to show my support to this great cause to support Japan. Please see this 'link' to get more information and donate...

Today's topic of the Friend Friday Post is about the 5 hardest blogging lessons you’ve learned during this process and have helped make you a better blogger as a result...

1. Pictures speak a thousand words: This is obvious but it was the first thing I learned about blogging. Originally I started 'describing' my outfit instead of taking photos. See my first post here.
Which of course was ridicilous and no one can visualize what I was wearing. Then i dressed up a dummy and took photos but that was taking such a long time and I couldn't show the whole effect with the shoes or accessories. See one of those links here.
So, realized I needed to take my own photos. Originally I started with a single photo then found out I can add more than one photo! The quality and lighting of the photos and poses have evolved over time as well. I will never be able to have amazing photo shoots some of the blogs I follow do but with two kids this is the best I can accomplish.

2. Following and Commenting: I have learned that to get people to find and read your blog you have to first go and find other blogs to read and comment. I love getting new followers and I absolutely love reading comments on my posts. Just as much as I love reading and commenting on my favorite blogs. However, I do not beleive you should become a follower to get someone to follow you or vica versa. I am very selective of who I follow. I like to read all the recent updates by going to my 'dashboard' and want to be realistic about how many blogs I can possibly follow and read.
3. Pay a visit: I try very hard to visit every new person/blog that either comments on one of my posts or becomes a follower. I might not choose to follow them but I will visit and comment at least a few times. 
4. Participate: I have also found out the more challanges and events and groups you participate in the more exposure you get for your blog. This is also a great way to get to know new blogs and form new relationships. I recently joint IFB (Independent Fashion Bloggers) and this FBFF group which I am learning so much from.
5. Chictopia: I found Chictopia from other blogs and absolutely love it. Unfortunately I don't have time to view too many people there and comment. I also simply do not have the time to check posts of every person that comments on my looks there. However, I do visit the site frequently as it has one of the greatest inspiration ideas and since you can browse looks 20 at a time it is easy. You can see my chictopia profile/looks here.

To see what the others said about this topick please visit ModlyChic...

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