
Friday, April 15, 2011

Bay of Play

Wearing an outfit from my spring list today! The weather is warmer so I needed an outfit that had open toed shoes and those are all in my spring/summer list. 
This Ed Hardy tunic is a TJ Maxx find a few months ago. Wearing it for the first time. I am such a sucker for Ed Hardy. Just love the crazy wild designs and the vibrant colors. I have a few outfits designed around this tunic.
Also wearing the semi-new cashmere shrug from Charlotte Russe. Found this on the clearance rack for $10 for 100% cashmere and it is very light weight. Love the chartuse color. 

These heels are one of my most coveted pair of shoes. I have worn them just a few times since starting this blog since they are dressy and not kid friendly. But I just love these. The body is linen, the trim is red patent and the cork wedge heel is hand stitched with flowers.  Just a piece of art. Found it years and years ago from Victoria’s Secret Catalog.  I am sure you know but Victoria’s Secret has an amazing collection of shoes of very good brands as well as their own Colin Stuart brand. I realize there are ton of online stores that carry much bigger collections but there is something to be said about looking at a printed catalog versus computer screen.   

Since these heels would definitely not be the right choice for a day at Sea World with two kids I switched to flip flops. And Ironically picked another pair of Betsey Johnson’s. Had to take their photo by themselves since they have such a cute design inside the slippers.

I also realized I need to re-acquaint myself with my collection of flip flops. I have moved them to a separate shoe hanger downstairs in the coat closet as they do not fit in my closet with my shoes. Since I always pick the shoes that goes with the outfit upstairs as I get dressed flip flops are usually forgatton. There are some cute ones though.
p.s. in the afternoon I switched to red pointy toe sling backs! 

Have you guys heard of this shoe challenge by ShoeperWoman blog? I am so interested in it. It started back in February and runs until Feb 2012. I don’t mind joining in late as long as she lets me. But this challenge will first force me through the emberassing exercise of counting every pair of shoes and boots and flip flops I own. I am afraid as to what that number will come out to. Really really afraid. I am also daunted by the task of how long it will take me to count. That tells you something.

But then the challenge is you have to wear every pair of shoe you own at least once with a full outfit during the year. Anything you do not wear you have to get rid of. I think that is a great idea.

Tunic top – Ed hardy (from TJ Maxx)
Cashmere Shrug – Charlotte Russe
Capri pants – Forever 21
Wedges & Flip flips – Betsey Johnson

TODAY’s ACTIVITIES: Got ready early with kids dressed and snacks packed to meet my friend at Sea World today. Since the weather was going to be warm we packed swim suits and towels as well. We have been a member for almost 4 years and have never had the kids try out the sprinkler play area within Sea World’s bay of play. So my son was sooo excited. Him and my daughter kept chanting ‘we are going to get wet’ all the way there.

We first visited the sharks and ate a whole bucket of pop corn. Then had them try the water play. The water was freezing so it took them a while to warm up to it but they were having a blast. My friend’s youngest was not interested but her oldest and my two just went nuts. Once they had enough and started getting cold we got them dressed and continued the fun.

There was no break for me today cause as soon as they went down for a nap I started meeting different contractors one after another for the backyard bidding project. Had to leave as soon as the kids were up and the last contractor had left. We finally got our disgusting car washed. The outside was just dirty but the inside gets sooo dirty with the kids. Even though I throw away all the trash there are crums and tiny bits of food everywhere. The car wash people hate me as I empty all the contents of our car incluing the car seats and have them vacuum then put it all back. But it gets it clean.
After car wash since I had no one to babysit I had to take the kids with me to my Dr appointment. And this did not go so smoothly. Between bouncing balls and almost falls lets just say by the time my husband came from work to the Dr's office to pick them up I was about to loose it. So I didn't care that I had to wait another 35 minutes after they left. I just enjoyed my pure bliss of quiet.
After the appt I finally go to go to the mall to check out H&Ms new collection.
Will do a separate post on that tomorrow!

 My friend took my outfit photos this morning before we left. We occupied the kids by having them sit on my front porch swing!

The kids at Sea World with their bucket of pop corn.All the pass holder mommies keep these buckets and drink cups as refills are only $1-$2 afterwards. I have a huge bag of cups that belong all the different parks in SD for that purpose!
P.S. notice my daughter is wearing 2 neclaces, sunglasses and a bracelet on each ankle! This was all her own doing. She cried actually for me to take off the crocs so she can put on the anklets!

Starting the sprinkle fun... 

My daughter actually listened and said 'cheese' ! 

Now they are all soaked! 


  1. I totally feel you on the counting of shoes. My girlfriend asked me how many boots I owned last fall and I had a lot. And they were just my boots!

    Love that shrug. Can't believe it's all cashmere. It's really lovely. And those shoes are great! I love Victoria's secret. and agree with you about the catalog. There's something fun about thumbing through it and finding stuff. kinda like looking at a fashion mag!

    have a great weekend!


  2. I love all the colors you have going on in this outfit! i too like Ed Hardy, but the tops that are not all blingy... i like the really cool patterned ones, like what you are wearing! Your kids are so cute! I think it's awesome how you do all the fun things you do with them. You seem like such a great mom!

  3. I am a total nut for your wedges. I would love to be able to wear heels again. Maybe soon.

  4. Adore those shoes - they are gorgeous. Loving the color mix in the outfit too! You look fabulous!

  5. What a pretty outfit. And those heels are great.

  6. Your outfit has the best colors ever! that Ed Hardy shirt is gorgeous, the color is fantastic!
    Your wedges are beautiful, I love all Betsey Johnson shoes, the last pair I felt in love with at DSW did not have my size :(
    Sea World day looked like sooo much fun, I'll probably go next weekend.

  7. sounds like a fun day! and i love those victoria's secret shoes! so cute!

  8. Hi! I’m your newest follower. Please stop by and follow back when you have a chance. I’m also hosting a blog hop today as well. Come add your blog when you get a chance if you haven’t already. If you’re ever interested in a blog makeover please let me know. Take a look at my portfolio and packages when you get a chance. Hope you are having a Sweet Week.

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  9. charlotte russe has 100% cashmere?? $10?? cool! i love the bright colors of your tops. the yellow sweater reminds me of my favorite yellow sweater! ooh, H& tell, do tell!

    thanks for the info on the sock bunnies!

  10. love the color combo which is also my favorite. The shoes are very cute and so are the flip flaps! Juliet's sense of fashion is incredible of course the apple does not fall far from the tree:) Trevor looks like a teenager in one of the photos so tall and yes he will be such a heart breaker!!


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