
Friday, April 15, 2011

Friend Friday Post - GRATITUDE

Today's Fashion Beauty Friend Friday (FBFF) post is about Gratitude
Katy (Modly Chic) announced this is the official one-year anniversary of  FBFF!
So she wanted to do something about gratitude.

1. When it comes to be personally – I owe a lot of who I am to:
I am a complete proof of 'it takes a village to raise a kid' concept. I have a very close family and I feel every member of my family played a special role in helping become who I am today.
The strongest influence when it comes to confidence, strength, independence and love of fashion is of course my Mother. She is also my best friend, my sole confidant and my biggest fan no matter what I do. She is also my number one shopping buddy. We can spend hours shopping and never buying anything and having a blast. Speaking another language no one understands also helps. She is the one who taught me to take care of my skin and my body and also love my body. I come from a country (Turkey) where curves are desired and for a stick figure that was tough. My mom gave me the confidence to show my best traits and feel good about it and the difference was mind blowing. I have never turned back to that self concious shy girl who hid under baggy clothes again!

2. When it comes to be professionally – I owe a lot of who I am to:
Partially to my Grandpa who due to my constant questionning gave me so many tips and advice on leadership.
But the largest contributor would be my old boss. He was my friend and my mentor. He thought me how to flex my management style from person to person. Taught me to not expect perfection from everyone or expect everyone to do things my way. And so many countless other things that are just not that interesting in the world of fashion. (My industry is finance so very conservative and boring).

3. When it comes to the art of blogging, I’m grateful to these people for helping me through some rough spots:
My family and my close friends. They gave me the support I needed to start something so off the wall. They became my first followers and gave me constructive feedback. They now accept me in my crazy outfits and tell all their friends about my blog. And to my husband for allowing me to sit on the couch beside him with my (pink) laptop every night and listenning to my blogging anecdotes and pretending to care or understand!
And to my two little kids who now accept mommy's photo shoots as part of our morning routine and know when to get out of the shot and when to pose.

4. One blogging challenge I’m grateful happened because it made me stronger was
Finding the time is always and will always be my biggest blogging challange. From picking out the outfits to putting them on to taking photos to posting and finally to reading the blogs of other supporters and blogs I love. But somehow I do. Somedays I let it go, somedays I barely do a post and that is about it. And somedays I read here and there and catch-up.
It has made me stronger because this is something I do for msyelf. Not for my family or kids but simply for me. I do it cause I love it and cause I want to. Makes me feel good!

5. To my readers, I’d like to say…
This is the questions I have been waiting for...I always felt when famous people thank their fans as somewhat of a fake or forced gesture. But now I get it. I am not saying I am famous by any means but the fact that when you write something to the big black hole of world wide web can be so daunting and having readers, followers and people that comment makes all the difference. I get such a thrill from getting and reading every comment. I get giddy when a new follower signs up. I love when new people stumble upon my blog and like it. My readers and the relationships I have built through blogging are most important part of this whole experience.

To see how others answered these questions click HERE!

Also, don't forget to check out the cool posts at
Kori's Blonde Episodes for Fashion Fridays!


  1. great answers! you and your mom sound like you have a great relationship! how fun! and yes, bless the little kiddies who think it's totally normal for mama to take pictures of herself every day!

  2. Finding the time to fit it all in...Always such a challenge!

  3. Great blog honey! Check mine go see and tell me what you think xoxo

  4. Thanks for all the flattering comments about my influence on you my sweet baby. But above all you were a very good listener and learner and have the will to become who you are today. İ am very proud of you mainly because you do everything with a passion and give 100% to it . You were a perfect child that any mother can wish for and you became a successful career women but now you are something much more greater than all , a perfect mother and a wife and enjoying your fashion passion with your beautiful and fun blog and became an inspiration to all mom's out there. İ think your best quality is ; you make things happen no matter how the difficult it may be. İ am glad that İ am here for you to help you walk through your life with your beautiful family. İt has been a joyful ride.


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