
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Clown Chic

So, I was excited to put together a crazy combo like this but I can't say I liked it that much. A bit clownish, hence the title.  But I like to stay committed to what I put on so it stayed.

The inspiration came from the Lucky's January issue: 

I put a white tank under the blouse to bring out the polka dots. I actually own overalls but wasn't willing to go that far for this outfit.

These are my new Bass b/w oxfords. 

Plaid Blouse - Gap
Polka Dot Blouse & Flower pin - Forever 21
Boyfriend Jeans - Newport News
Oxfords - Bass (from

Today's Activities: We went to the indoor play area in the morning. As soon as the kids went down for their naps my mom came over so we could start watching the DVR'd wedding ceremonies. Of course we only got through half the wedding and they woke up and it was impossible to watch between bouncing and jumping kids.
Tonight was a preschool family movie night. My dad came over and we met my husband at a Baja Fresh by the school for a very early dinner at 5:15 pm. Due to no afternoon snack they were able to eat that early. Then my sister and her boyfriend joines us at the school. Every parent brought a treat or popcorn to share. Mommies were popping pocorn in the back while the teacher read stories than the kids did an art project. Afterwards they got a bag of pop corn then got to pick up from a wide variety of treats to add to the popcorn bag. Ate their snack outside, then watched 3 short movies (which they had the stories read to earlier) on a big movie screen in the main part of the class room. Most kids were in PJs and people had brought their pillows and blankets (I must have missed that part of the announcement but people shared with my kids). It was a fun but late night. Good thing we came in two cars cause my daughter only lasted 1 movie and told me 'mommy lets go to sleep' so my dad and I took her home. My husband and son came afterwards. My mom came back again so we could wath the rest of the wedding and the lifetime movie. It was fun. We said good night in a courtrsy motion!

 With two other Mommies using sandwich bags as gloves, ready to serve kids treats...

Our Teacher with the kids during outdoor snack time... 

Watching the movie... 

This little girl who is 5.5 loves my daughter and took her under her blanket. They watched a whole movie like this... 

My son sharing his buddy's 'cars' pillow and watching pure focus...

Here we are in the back, from left to right my husband and I, my sister and her boyfriend and my dad...


  1. Hey!
    I like that :D
    I'm your newest follower and I really like your blog!
    Can't wait to see/

    I hope you check my blog out as well :)


  2. Good Morning, I remember seeing that Lucky mag. outfit and I loved it then and I love how you styled it too. I appreciate your commitment to stay in as well. Fabulous. Have a great Saturday and hope to see you Monday for more Inspiration. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  3. I think you look super cute and nothing like a clown! Those shoes are nothing but amazing!

  4. I love that outfit!


  5. I love this styling! I don't think it is clownish at all. You have all of the elements of great style!!! The b/w oxfords....swoon....the flower on the rugged flannel.....sigh....and the polka dots???? GENIUS!! And I just love reading your blog - you have a sincere and "cute" writing style. I am entertained and inspired! Cheers!

  6. Sweet look! The important thing is that you have fun while putting it together, you really look sweet ..... those oxfords are gorgeous, I love them.

  7. Hi Daphne! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and following me! You left such a lovely comment. I love your outfit above! I think it's fun and has the same feeling as the Lucky one!
    It's all about fun and creativity right? Keep reaching for those stars!
    XO Carrie

  8. girl, you seriously have evvrything! i love the inspiration and your version of it. the shoes are just fabulous!! sounds like a fun movie night. my son would have been the same as your daughter. he's trained to sleep on nights when i actually want to take them out, he tells me he wants to go home to bed!


Love to hear your thoughts...