
Friday, April 29, 2011

Friend Friday Post - Fitness and Fashion

Today's Friend Friday post hosted by Katy at Modly Chic is about Fitness and Fashion

1. Do you keep some kind of fitness routine? Why?
Unfortunately I don't. I used before kids and when I had an office job. However I realized I am in more shape being an active (ok, may be hyper active) SAHM then I was when I went to gym 3 times a week. It does help we live in a city where the weather is good year round and everything we do is pretty much outdoor spanning over large areas. This means a lot of walking and it is resistance walking since you are pushing a double stroller or carrying kids. I am used to now being on my feet for very long periods of time and lifthing heavy weights. But of course I would love to do some more disciplined weight trainning and some fun dance type gym classes for fun.

2. Has working out, maybe training for a marathon or something of that nature, helped with your own perception of body image?
I wouldn't say my body image but definitely my mental state of health. When I met my husband (who is a 2 times ironman and 3 times half iron man) it was a bit intimidating. But he assured me he was not looking for an athlete (good cause I definitely was not one). But, I have always been into trainning for something where they give you a schedule to follow (anal I know). So, together we signed up with a group and trained for the San Diego Rock'n'roll marathon. I had never run before in my life. I did a snail pace of run for 7 minutes walk for 3 routine and followed the regimen to the 't' (which if you know me is not surprising). I absolutely love the way I felt after finishing a long run. It was exhilirating. However, I did not like how I lost excessive weight. It was nice to loose some extra pounds at first but then I starting loosing all my curves. I am already boyish built so I became a stick figure. I ate a lot to make up though. At the end unfortunately I only got up to running 16 miles. Then I had a stress fracture and not sure if I have told before but I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my Dr said this was probably pushing my body to much and told me to stick with 5 and 10K distances. But I am glad that I tried and pushed my body to see how far I can go.

3. When you are hitting the gym or just going out for a long walk what do you wear? Is it about functionality or fashion?
Of course it is about both. I have always invested in gym fashion that provides all the functionality but also looks good. Having cute gym clothes has always motivated me to work out more. Any reason to shop and wear new things right?
For lower impact exercise (like pilates, weight trainning etc...) I usually wear long or capri yoga pants, a supportive long workout tank top and either a thin running jacket or a crop like and very thin material tee's. Yes, I have tee's bought just for working out. You are not surprised.
For high impact (Kick boxing, cardio, running) I wear boy shorts or capri exercise pants that have a tighter elastic waist. I find yoga pants slide down in cardio. For top I would wear a very supportive like level 3 workout bra top possibly topped with a lower level bustier style work out tank top topped with a cardi or a tee depending on the season.
For Dance (hip hip) I go with my thin nylon capri cargo style safari pants and a normal tank top over a workout bra for a more street look.
Not that I do it anymore but I even have a small box of clothes for ballet classes that include schiffon skirts, pink, cream, black tights, leg warmers, navy and black leotards, very thin and pretty cropped tops in sugar pink or floral patterns.

4. Do you feel there is a cultural perception of what you ‘should’ be doing for your own physical fitness?
In southern CA, heck yes! I didn't realize the difference until I lived in both coasts (San Diego and NYC). When I was going to college if you happen to buy junk food like chips or brownies, you would get looks. Everyone was working out and being fit was the fashion. When you go to beaches here it is intimidating. Locals look like they have just stepped out of a sports illustrated magazine. And I don't mean just thin and pretty. I mean rock hard bodies with muscles. We now stick to more family beaches to feel normal.
In NYC the culture was more about 'good food' weather it was healthy or not mattered less. And the city sure had the best food. Even though I walked so much more when living in NYC I still managed to gain weight (probaby due to the really 'good' food).
In Turkey, even tough I would say majority of the middle aged population is 'curvy' or 'got some meat on their bones' the culture expects the younger generation to be thin. But apparently not too thin as I was teased all through  middle and high school about my skinny legs. The other weird thing is when I went back one summer and had gained some weight everyone commented on it. And none of these people were thin. It made me so self concious. I wanted to talk back and say 'look at yourself' but of course I was not brought up that way and held my tounge.

5. Dream big… what would be your ultimate fitness goal.
I would love to be able to finish a marathon. I would love to hike grand canyon and do the 2nd big hike at yosemite. I love hiking. My husband always calls me the 'lead hiker' cause I like to lead even tough I am horrible with directions and twice got us lost in the middle of rain forests but found our way back thank goodness. I just don't like to stare in anyone's back when hiking. I like to be one with nature and only see nature.
To see how others responded to these questions click HERE!

A small note to my (growing) Turkish readers:
P.S. Cok sevgili Turk takipcilerim. Sizlerin yorumlarinizi okumaya bayiliyorum. Farkettim cogunuz Ingilizce yaziyor. Ister Ingilizce ister Turkce yazabilirsiniz. Soyliyim dedim.


  1. Stopping by from the Hops to say hello and follow. Have a great weekend!

  2. I just came across your blog! It's great! Liing in Southern Cal myself I totally understand what you are saying. Hence not much beach going anymore! LOL...when I was really we lived on the beach everyday I stay by my pool or a friends! hahahhaha...Definitely a new follower for you!!!
    XO Carrie

  3. You have a great workout wardrobe. I like working out better when I wear my stuff I bought just for it.

  4. Hey honey, I noticed you linked up today, but don't see the button or link back to the list. Could you add it? Thanks! Kori xoxo

  5. I LOVE that you mentioned the Grand Canyon and Yosemite as your dream hikes! I wish I liked to run, as completing the Rock and Roll Marathon would be cool, but I just can't get into it. Plus, finding time to train as a mom...sooo hard! Kudos to you :)

    **Side note**- I love your Bump In Style-super cute!**



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