
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fairies and Knights

This is what I wore today! The inspiration came from the following photo in the March Issue of the Lucky Magazine: 

What I like about this outfit is its uniqueness. It is not exactly a flattering outfit and not that comfy either I might add, so why do I wear it? Cause I absolutely love wearing different outfits that are totally out of 'comfort zone'.  

This blouse is a very old one that has been collecting dust in my closet. It is nice to wear it again. It is pale bluish color with cream diagnoal mini pleated stripes. 

One of the cool aspects of the outfit is adding pearls to a very masculine combo. I wish the pearls were more visible in the full body shots but the lighting did not work out that way... 

My cargo pants are not really high waist but they are loose enough on me that I just pulled up the waist a bit and cynched the belt on top to give a similar look. Didn't really go too high as I despise how high waist looks on me. 

And of course my oxfords. Which I really really love. The wingtip style is just perfect! I ordered and returned 2 other pairs before these (all with free shipping and returns of course) but it was worth the wait.  

Today was totally chilly and the sun never really came out. So I actually had to layer a jacket on top of this outfit to keep warm. I first tried on a blazer and that looked silly for some reason. This motoercycle cut jacket with glittering beads on it was perfect. 

Jacket - Forever 21
Blouse - Bebe
Cargo Pants - J Crew
Belt - Ralph Lauren
Pearls - Family Heirlooms, husband's gift
Oxfords - Bass
Fedora Hat - Mom bought it in France.

Today's Activities: It was my turn to take my son this morning while my husband took my daughter to her gym class. We both ran errands. He did a home depot run while I did grocery shopping. I also took my son to see the movie Rio. We both truly enjoy the one on one time we spend with them Saturday mornings. After naps we rushed out of the house to go to our friend's kids' b-day party. They were celebrating their son's 4th and daughter's 2nd b-day.  The party favors were amazing and the huge jumpy was a big hit. Kids never stopped running and had a blast.
Yet still managed to continue playing on their new play area with daddy after we came home. Did light snacks and a movie before they went to bed.
We just finished watching Inglourious Basterds which was a pretty good movie!

All the girls were asked to dress in tutus... And Juliet is as happy as can be in her pink and black one 

They were given these pretty butterfly wings, the head pieces and wands as party favors! 

The boys were given customized capes, masks and the swords! 

Here are some of the girls, the b-day girl is on the most right 

The Boys! The b-day boy is in the middle 

And here is our pool all filled finally! 

And the grass play area where my husband can still manage to shoot hoops 

I will do a big backyard post in a few weeks when everything is washed and we are allowed to put our furniture back and I maanage to do a little decorating...


  1. Beautiful pictures!

    The yellow ball

  2. cute outfit...i like your version with the long sleeve shirt. the backyard is really looking great!

    btw, you did comment on my post, but i lost that post and all the comments when blogger went down. sucked.

  3. Great imitation!

    And how fun! Your daughter is too cute!


  4. Love how you put together your outfit - great sense of style and awesome inspiration! and the pool... wish I could have same in my yard :) its hot here in Australia during summer:)
    Marusya V
    I am an ex-financial manager too and now with a first child on her way getting completely "domesticated" lol so following you now. Keep in touch!

  5. I agree that it's good to experiment with a variety of looks. The hat is adorable on you and the mix of items is very unusual. Nice job!

  6. Great imitation .... I love your oxfords, they are beautiful and can make an outfit look very unique.
    Your daughter looks like a doll, so cute.

  7. ayakkabılara bayıldım ilhamın da çok güzel uyarlanmış=)bu arada nazar boncugu da gozumden kaçmadıı;)

  8. Your outfit is so fabulous! I love those shoes. :) You really managed to do a great job imitating that outfit in the magazine. I think yours is better, actually.

    You have the most adorable daughter in the world, I think. :)

  9. Totally in love with your oxford shoes!!!


Love to hear your thoughts...